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Level Editor dosen't work for me get this error:

AttributeError: module 'wx' has no attribute 'COPY'

Sorry, I’ll try to fix it, although I’m a bit slow lately ’cause of my health. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it!

It would be really amazing if the level editor works again, I love your work, the project has so much potential 

I suggest u to all of ur python files convert into one .exe file to make this game playable for everyone.

Hey dude : i can tell you that the 'arcade' library in Python (from Paul Craven) is awesome.

My point of view is that is really better than PyGame,

you should try it !

Anyway, good job you did )

Doesn't work, I get this error:  

File "C:/Users/%username%/Desktop/floppy/", line 5
    Based on the py game 'Pydza' on Sourceforge [[ ]].
IndentationError: unexpected indent
(1 edit)

I’ll get it working. Don’t know why a comment is killing it, but I’ll fix it.

I’m going to overhaul the sprites one of these days… I hope! :)